With two epic singles, ‘Don’t Hold Back’, and ‘Are You With Me?’ already behind them this year and the sky as their limit, The Potbelleez are unquestionably one of Australia’s hottest and most in-demand dance acts right now.

The Potbelleez are DJ-producers Dave Goode and Jonny Sonic, sassy singer/MC Blue, and vocalist Ilan Kidron and combine ridiculous punchy electro-laced beats, guitar-licked sonics and captivating melodies to deliver a unique offering that had Rolling Stone magazine proclaiming them as “the fastest rising stars of the dance scene”.

Fresh from their atomic performance at Our House last weekend, I caught up with Ilan, and after a few minutes of playful chit chat where the voice of The Potbelleez queried if I thought it was too early for vodka, (‘it’ being 10.30am), I found out about The Potbelleez hugely successful and busy year so far.

Tell me about the crazy 2008 Potbelleez rollercoaster ride you’ve been on?

2008 for The Potbelleez has been a year of beautiful surprises. The four of us have been working so hard in our various genres and careers for so many years – we’re all from different musical backgrounds – and to have all of our hard work pay off this year is a huge blessing.

What have been your biggest highlights over the past few years with The Potbelleez?

The whole Potbelleez experience has been a major blur. A definite highlight was visiting Ireland earlier this year where the boys [Dave and Jonny] returned home to a hero’s welcome. It was so great to check out the motherland and play to crazy Irish crowds. The Potbelleez name is definitely growing overseas which is huge for us.

Down time must be a rare and precious thing for you guys. What is your idea of a perfect night out?

We actually spend a lot of time in transit while we’re travelling so we get our fair share of time to relax and reflect. An ideal night out for me is all about family, friends, great food (and of course, lots of great wine).

Your self-titled debut album is set for release in November; can you tell me what we can expect from this highly anticipated release?

Our four personalities are definitely evident in the new album. People can expect more anthemic tracks like Don’t Hold Back, and Are You With Me, but there are also a few dark surprises. We’ve tried to keep the album all about infectious dance floor tunes, but it’s anything but a cliché.

Later this year The Potbelleez will be up against some of Australia’s finest – including The Presets – at the ARIA Awards, are you looking forward it?

We’re definitely keen to make the most of the party, that’s what the ARIAs are all about: meeting other musicians and performers and letting loose. It’s an awesome festival-like atmosphere and everyone’s in high spirits so it’s the perfect chance to get a bit nasty and naughty. Oh and we’re definitely hoping to smash The Presets.

You’ve got some huge gigs coming up (Homebake and Good Vibrations in Sydney, Fat as Butter in Newcastle, and Southern Amp in New Zealand), The Potbelleez must be pumped for the future.

We’re absolutely loving it. 2009 is shaping up to be an even bigger year than 2008! We’re so looking forward to everything that’s in stall, and we just want to keep working hard and enjoying all of these amazing opportunities.