The National Gallery of Australia takes the weird and wonderful Hyper Real experience to the next level with Hyper Real Nights, three unforgettable evenings of cutting-edge cocktails, astonishing sculptures and live performances.
Featuring the Australian Dance Party, spoken word poet Omar Musa and electric violinist Mr Michael, Hyper Real Nights on Friday 10, 17 & 24 November invites visitors to embrace the uncanny and experience the familiar in extraordinary ways.
Drawing inspiration from the jaw-dropping artworks in Hyper Real, contemporary dancers from the Australian Dance Party harness the power and playfulness of the moving body as they travel through the exhibition. Lingering in Patricia Piccinini’s extraordinary video installation, The Breathing Room 2000, the dancers interact with their audience to create a dynamic response to the artist’s fascination with evolution and ethics.

Fast, fresh and often funny, writer, rapper and slam poet Omar Musa leads his listeners on a journey through the gallery space, performing a thought-provoking and downright provocative original piece inspired by hyperrealism.
Classically trained violinist Mr. Michael uses his instrument to break the boundaries of musical genres, fusing rock, classical, hip-hop, house, jazz, funk and soul. With Hyper Real featuring artists that extend the traditional parameters of the hyperreal genre through kinetic sculpture, video and bio art and virtual reality, Mr. Michael provides the perfect musical accompaniment to the NGA’s after-hours adventure.

Hyper Real introduces visitors to humanity amplified; Hyper Real Nights amplifies the party. Experience Hyper Real Nights November 10, 17, 24 at 6pm. Bookings essential.