If you were to combine oregano, red paprika, fresh capsicums and olive oil, you would have the main ingredients for spicing lamb and chicken in the traditional Turkish way.

However, there is really no need to DIY because Little Istanbul has been perfectly cooking traditional Turkish meals for two years now, and Head Chef Kadir Seven says it’s all about having the time.

“Before we cook any meat, it is marinated in the fridge for 24 hours, and then it’s slowed cooked to infuse all the flavours and keep the juices in. What needs to be cooked for Friday, has to be ready by Wednesday night or Thursday morning.”

Little Istanbul’s famous Turkish Pizzas (Pide) are a popular choice amongst first time customers. The Turkish pizza or ‘Pide’ flavours are extensive, with even a ‘Gallipoli’ and ‘Bush ranger’ option, created using ingredients for a more western taste, while still maintaining Little Istanbul’s traditional use of spices.

A particular highlight of Little Istanbul is their open kitchen and visible and theatrical cooking manner. “Everything we do, we do in front of the customers,” Head chef Kadir said.

“When you cook on a char-grill it is open and more visual, and you get the beautiful aromas and flavours of the char. Cooking in front of our diners gives us our restaurant a unique atmosphere and makes it almost like a live show.”

The Turkish banquet is a big favourite, which starts with a ‘Meze’ platter; a selection of dips, zucchini balls, lamb and chicken kebabs, and a selection of Turkish pizza. For special occasions, more traditional casseroles can be prepared. Each casserole requires extensive preparation and can take up to six hours to cook, resulting in that special flavour and fabulous aromas.

In the end, all customers will come to restaurants with an empty stomach, and Little Istanbul sees it as what they are all about.

“Enticing customers with interesting and well presented food, keeps the dining experience exciting and encourages them to come back, and try something different next time.”

Celebrate Multiculturalism and dine at Little Istanbul this Australia Day! As our guest, you’re invited to receive a FREE coffee with every main meal purchased or a free dessert with every coffee purchased- compliments of Little Istanbul & OutInCanberra. Click here to print your discount.

Make your reservation today!