The National Museum of Australia was once again transformed into a gala fashion event, with CIT’s latest batch of graduating fashion designers launching their labels on Sunday 6 December.
15 students pushed 5 – 12 looks down the runway, with bursts of tangerine, yellow and purple amongst a largely ‘black’ end of year show. Pitch black PVC, silk, satin and leather was embellished, pin-tucked and in some cases – torn to shreds.
Geoffery Hanning’s collection ‘Francz’ opened the show, boasting a dark, androgynous aesthetic. But with only 5 looks walking, I would have loved to see more from him.
Elissa Brunato showed a wearable collection of separates and frocks in a beautifully soft colour palette. One maxi in particular showed her understanding of trends and her ability to adopt them in an innovative way.
Charlotte Stewart was a runway stand out, with her label ‘Lotte,’ a cohesive collection that reflected a mature, fashion forward aesthetic. 80’s nostalgia saw metallic gold, sharp shoulders and ‘the little black dress’ taken up a notch with a full bustle.
Penina Huho also sent out a runway highlight (pictured below), from her culturally inspired collection.
OutInCanberra’s Favourite Designer online voting competition was also crowned last night, with Rachel Tammaro taking out the people’s choice award – as voted by you.
Rachel has won a Career Kick-Start pack complements of The Mark Agency, including; Brand Development, Marketing Strategy & more.
Photos: Jeremy Rozdarz