Author: OutInCanberra

The big alcohol question

I’m planning my 21st birthday party at a local bar. I have 50 guests and am wondering what would be a realistic bar tab for those guests over 4 hours? I’m concerned, because I don’t want to run out of alcohol. -K. Peters, Monash

Dear K. Peters,

It really depends on the venue you have chosen and the prices of their drinks. If you choose their basic house beer, wine, soft drinks and sparkling you would be looking at $25 to $30 per person for 4 hours, however if you include cocktails into the bar tab this could raise it up quite a bit.

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Wedding budget jitters

I’m planning my wedding and I’m beginning to fret about our budget, which is looking to blow out. What are some quick tips I can keep in mind to cut costs, without having to stage a ‘budget’ wedding? -S Taylor, Gungahlin

Dear S Taylor,

It’s very easy for a few extra dollars to add up here or there. It’s okay to tweak it as you go along; just remember that if your actual costs go up on flowers that your costs also need to come down in another category.

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Featured Wine: Mount Majura Rosé 2009

This fresh, crisp and lively Rosé made from early-picked Merlot grapes is packed with the flavour of summer berries and finishes dry. Drink chilled, with dappled sunshine.

At Mount Majura Vineyard, the team produce more grapes each year than they make into wine, so it’s easy to start playing with a new style for no better reason than the grapes are there – and it’s fun to try new things. Fun is basically what the Rosé is about. Fun to make, fun to look at, fun to drink.

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