Author: OutInCanberra

Clare Bowditch is bigger than the money

Clare Bowditch has ‘enumerable modern day addictions.’ “You know the day when you have 12 coffees instead of two? They’re coping strategies, ways of coping with stress. It’s when it goes beyond the enjoyment factor that it becomes a modern day addiction.”

And Clare should know, it’s been 24 months of research and conversation to create her latest and fourth studio album, Modern Day Addiction (released 13 August 2010). It’s been a long time coming and bursts with interesting content about inner-peace and satirical stabs at pop culture.

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Win Tickets: GodsKitchen in 3D, Sydney


After blowing tens of thousands of minds with last year’s superb Boombox Tour, Australia’s favourite dance brand, Trance beacon and superclub, Godskitchen, is headed back to deliver yet another monumental, world-first party experience.

Globally renowned for pushing the envelope to deliver partygoers truly unique, once in a lifetime events, this year sees Godskitchen throw the doors wide open to a whole new dimension, literally.

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Student Race Day @ Thoroughbred Park

The inaugural Students in Canberra Race Day will be held on the lawns of Thoroughbred Park. Students from each Canberra institution will join us for fun, frivolity and fashion with plenty of entertainment.

Fashions on the Field prizes total $2000 and include Classic Ladies, Classic Men’s, Classic Couples and the Fashion Design Award categories. Judges include one of Canberra’s most famous fashion exports and Project Runway Australia winner, Anthony Capon, Angela Menz – our Fashions on the Field queen and Natalie Tsirimokos from OutInCanberra.

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Starfish Hill @ The Paris Crash, ANU Bar

Last Friday night the ANU Bar opened its doors to one of Canberra’s finest emerging bands, Starfish Hill.

Having just returned from recording at Sydney’s Maniac and Glebe studios, the band was well rehearsed and it showed as they performed to a modest Canberran audience.

Led by engaging front-man Tim Dyer, Starfish Hill performed without lead guitarist Brendan Anderson. Despite missing Anderson, there was not a noticeable lack of sound or energy, especially with the solidity of the guitar work of Tim Dyer.

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