Did you know beer used to be made almost entirely by women?
The women of BentSpoke Brewing Co have come together along with a group of women within the brewing, distillery and wine industries from Canberra and surrounds, to brew a new special beer featuring the 4th Annual Pink Boots hops blend.
The Pink Boots Society is a non-for-profit organisation for women and non-binary people in the fermentation industry that aims to assist, inspire and encourage through education and mentorship.
Brewed onsite at BentSpoke in Braddon, the beer has been named ‘Marion’ after Marion Mahony Griffin, the architect who helped shape Canberra. It aims to celebrate and highlight the contribution of women in the industries, with a percentage of sales going to fund scholarships for Pink Boots members to help further their careers.
“This beer celebrates the lesser-known contributions of women,” said Tracy Margrain, co- owner, and brewer. “With that in mind, we’ve decided to name the beer Marion, after Marion Mahony Griffin, the architect who helped shape Canberra, but is often forgotten in the city’s narrative.”
Marion will be exclusively on tap at BentSpoke’s BrewPub in Braddon on Thursday 5 August.