A new way of getting out and about is hitting the roads of Canberra.
Airbike is a station-less bike sharing platform that is designed to make inner-city transport fast, convenient and healthy.
The fleet of 200 bikes will be available in the capital for six months, with the bikes able to be used for trips without having to be returned to a docking station.
Airbike founder and chief executive Angus McDonald says Canberra is the perfect city for bicycle sharing.
“It’s a really bike-friendly place, the distances are huge, and there’s not much public transport,” Angus says.
“We want it to work in Canberra, we will see how we go with supply and demand, but for now we’re just testing the waters.”
The company can accurately tell where its bikes are, with tracking technology and a map that shows where the bikes are at all times.
The aim of Airbike is to reduce traffic congestion and create efficient transport that everyone can benefit from.
ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr said the bike share trial will provide Canberrans and visitors with a new healthy, convenient and eco-friendly means of transportation.

“Airbike will monitor their fleet and will immediately respond and move any bikes left in inappropriate or unsafe areas,” Mr Barr said.
The six month trial starts on Monday 30 July.