Be loud. Be bright. Be colourful. Colorfest is coming in hot! Set to inject some colour and vibrancy in the capital this Sunday 24 September at Thoroughbred Park from 11am to 4pm.
The event is an exciting, family-friendly festival, filled with live music, great food, kids’ rides, and of course, COLOUR. And the best news is that there is no running involved! Just bring your beautiful self to get down to the latest electronic dance, RnB, pop and house music.

As you get your boogie on with friends and family, colour is thrown through the crowd, by the crowd. The day will undoubtedly make great memories as your white clothes are covered with every colour of the rainbow. Be sure to wear things you don’t mind getting dirty, along with your dancing shoes and sunnies!
Each festival-goer will receive a free bag of colour on arrival, and more can be purchased throughout the day. A countdown takes place every half hour, on the hour, when people can release and throw their powder.

Colorfest ensures that the colour is completely non-toxic, water soluble and eco-friendly, containing only cornstarch with food grade colours.
Colorfest has touring towns and cities all over Australia before reaching the capital next weekend. Make the most of your spring Sunday afternoon and come along to ring the colour back into Canberra.
Don’t miss out! Buy your tickets here.