While we can’t experience our usual spring festival, filled with colourful flowers at every corner, Floriade can still be enjoyed in different ways as it lights up Canberra with little bursts of colour.

Floriade: Reimagined was created last year as a solution so that Canberran’s could still enjoy all the beautiful flowers from our most colourful celebration, despite the festival being unable to go ahead. While it was only meant to be a one off, given ACT’s current restrictions Floriade: Reimagined is back, filling the suburbs of Canberra with the beauty of mother nature.


Over 400 planter boxes and pots containing over 60,000 blooms that were to feature in Commonwealth Park are now scattered around the community, along with the 300,000 bulbs planted and cared for by 100 schools, community groups and organisations in their local area, as apart of Floriade Community. However, if you want to see the biggest installation of the blooms there are some still planted at their original home in Commonwealth Park and are available to explore.

This year, you can also experience Floriade from home as they bring it to you through a video tour of Commonwealth Park. Or check out the Floriade On-Demand library and explore a vast range of gardening tips and tricks, horticultural knowledge, kid’s activities and even a podcast series.

If you haven’t already seen little colourful surprises in your area, or are looking for more, take a look at the interactive map of Canberra to find out exactly where the plantings are located.

Take your kids, walk the dog, picnic, and just get outside in the sunshine and enjoy the beauty of spring.