Canberra’s own Favourite Son – Matt Aitcheson is back home in the Berra to make a scene and launch his debut album as part of the series ‘Made in Canberra.’ Matt will be performing an eclectic set of tunes inspired by 80’s music at the Street Theatre this month.

Expect to have your ears filled with a chilling fusion of disco, rock, funk and old soulful sounds backed by his new band, Favourite Son, that includes; a horn section, guitarist – Steve Gray from local act Tonk – and a singer Supernova Jade. He describes his new album as –

“…a big soulful sound that goes anywhere from Chillout to Dance. I’m inspired by the sweet sounds of Groove Armada and Faithless.”

Matt grew up in Canberra before doing what many aspiring Canberran muso’s do, and ventured interstate to “greener pastures” to work on making a name for himself.

“I moved to Melbourne and ran around the frosty streets trying to get famous. I think every musician is just looking for a place where their heart is happy. But ultimately the city just burnt me out, so I left and moved back to Canberra. My heart has pulled me back here a few times over the years.”

He’s done everything from playing the drums in a metal band, produced albums ranging from world music to relaxation and spinning 80’s tunes at Galaxy Nightclub.

“I would like to be known as an all rounder. Producer, DJ artist, tour manager, drummer and be recognised for a certain sound.”

He found fame when he co-founded the highly successful world music group OKA. He got lost in the middle and felt it was time to head out on a new musical adventure.

“I’ve gone from the main focus always being in a band, promoting a band, and making so many sacrifices to keep the band together, now it’s about making music I like, performing the shows I like, working with the people I like, and most importantly about having balance in my life. There’s a lot more freedom as your own artistic identity to involve myself in what projects, musical styles and artists take my fancy.”

It was his next move, to the sandy beaches of Queansland where he met the likes of the delicious flamenco flavours and mashed up Phat Dancin beats of Tijuana Cartel, through his manager. He will be supported by his new found “buddies” at ‘Made in Canberra’ which will be held at The Street Theatre on Friday October 23rd.

“I’m especially excited about performing at the Street Theatre because they have been so good to me. It’s such a great venue, including audio visuals from local artists. Everyone is very professional. So I’m very excited.”

Tickets start at $19. Call 6247 1223 to book or visit