In a world where fast fashion seems to prescribe different looks for different body shapes, and different outfits for every event, Vicky Kidd-Gallichan is looking to break the mould.
Having created timeless and unique pieces for some 18 years, Vicky evolved her brand Rockstars and Royalty last year to provide customised pieces for repeated wear and for any body, with unique designs (including hundreds of customisable options) that allow the wearer to be themselves and be confident.
Vicky’s passion for wanting everyone to recognise their own beauty and be themselves is inspiring and evident in every conversation you have with her. With her signature pink/red hair and her soft spoken yet passionate voice, she is truly a women going places.
In her quest for body acceptance, Vicky also started a revolution in 2017, building an army of followers equally as passionate about kindness, tolerance and acceptance.
After seeing too many models and designers (including herself) discriminated against for not conforming to a certain mould, Vicky called enough on the industry and began advocating for body acceptance, tolerance and change.

The Just Be Revolution, Vicky says, is a revolution for everyone who wants to help change what society sees as beautiful, normal and acceptable. By sharing stories and messages of acceptance, the army grows and the Just Be voice gets louder.
“Together we are stronger and can make the world a better place for everyone,” Vicky says.
It is easy in today’s busy society to believe you can’t change the world, that change is in the ‘too hard basket’ and it’s safer to stay in our own cocoons. The truth is, every effort, no matter how small or large, can make an impact.
As a co-founder of the Just Be Revolution myself, I personally believe every voice counts and even if you only impact one person, you have succeeded and you have contributed to a kinder world.
With Vicky’s leadership and her army of followers, the Just Be Revolution in partnership with like organisations across Canberra and the nation, is set to achieve so much more in 2018. Vicky is a force to watch and a breath of fresh air in the crusade for harmony in our world.
Follow her on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, and join the Just Be Revolution at @justberevolution.
Pictures: Lori Cicchini, Loriana Fotografia