The location…..Transit Bar
The weapon of choice……The Ipod
The teams……a selection of Canberra’s finest promoters

On Friday 23rd October, Podwars returns to Transit for it’s second installment for 2009 with you, the crowd, once again ultimately determining the winner.

Podwars: What’s The Scenario will put our budding pod-champions to the test, forcing them to draw random topics/scenarios from the hat and produce an epic tune to both match the chosen song type and out-select the competition…

The Scenarios are:

– Getting In The Mood
– Song You Want Played At Your Funeral
– WWE Entrance Theme
– Club Monster
– Best Of The 90s
– 80s Spandex Classic
– Rave Anthem: Reach For Da Lazers
– Breakup Song
– Wedding Aisle March
– The Devil Horns Lullaby
– B-Boy Call To Arms
– Aussie Patriotism (No Southern Cross Tattoos Please!)

Each team will be forced to train hard, research their collections and come up with a series of unbeatable songs from each ‘scenario’ to out-select, out-dance and out-wit the competition.

The teams are:


Once again, your hosts ROSHAMBO and SKOFACE will control and direct the action and ensure that the stage erupts in pod-buffoonery, crazed antics and terrible dance moves.

YOU – the crowd – will choose the winner, your cheers and jeers recorded on state of the art sound decibel machinery.

The night will also be uprockin’ thanks to the supreme DJ talents of party-starters:

Senior DFP

Don’t miss the next exciting edition of the legendary PODWARS!