With This Ship is something of a musical map, charting the often unpredictable and tumultuous ocean of relationships.

It illustrates the hope-filled struggle of fighting against the tide of personal history, but also the hopelessness sometimes encountered when trying to mend rifts in relationships ravaged by hurt and time. But fear not. The Basics’ lush vocal harmonies will lift you over the swirling symphony of stormy guitars and lay you softly on the shore. Starts at 8.00pm, entry is free.

With This Ship is something of a musical map, charting the often unpredictable and tumultuous ocean of relationships. It illustrates the hope-filled struggle of fighting against the tide of personal history, but also the hopelessness sometimes encountered when trying to mend rifts in relationships ravaged by hurt and time. But fear not. The Basics’ lush vocal harmonies will lift you over the swirling symphony of stormy guitars and lay you softly on the shore. Starts at 8.00pm, entry is free.

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